Ethics and data safety - GOLDnet

The cases of the Kids Lung Register will be managed in the project.

The leading ethics committee of the University Gießen has approved the ethics proposal of the project. The data safety concept has also be approved.
The ethics committee of the Ludwig Maximilian University Munich has approved the participation in the project. Copies of these documents are listed below. 

We offer our support for other local applications if desired. For consultation cases the Munich vote applies to cooperating centers. 

- EK Giessen: Genehmigung/Antrag und Datenschutzkonzept TMF Genehmigung/Antrag als .pdf
- EK München: Zustimmung Mitwirkung am Projekt als .pdf

- EK-Antrag Vorlage Giessen zur eigenen Antragstellung als .doc
- EK-Antrag Vorlage München zur eigenen Antragstellung als .doc